The DBMS_JOB.NEXT_DATE procedure within Oracle’s database management system is part of the DBMS_JOB package, which is used for scheduling and managing jobs in Oracle databases. The DBMS_JOB package itself is a legacy scheduling mechanism, as Oracle has introduced the more powerful and flexible DBMS_SCHEDULER in later versions. However, DBMS_JOB is still in use in many environments for backward compatibility and for its simplicity in scheduling repetitive tasks.


The DBMS_JOB.NEXT_DATE procedure is specifically used to change the next date when a job is to be run. It allows administrators or applications to dynamically adjust the scheduling of tasks based on business needs or system conditions without having to remove and recreate the job.


The basic syntax for DBMS_JOB.NEXT_DATE is as follows:

   job        IN NUMBER,
   next_date  IN DATE);

job: This is the identifier of the job whose next execution date you want to change. This identifier is assigned by Oracle when the job is created.
next_date: This parameter specifies the new date and time when the job should next be executed.


Assuming you have a job with an identifier of 1234 that you wish to reschedule to run at a specific future date and time, you might use the following statement:

      job => 1234, 
      next_date => TO_DATE('2024-03-15 08:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')

This example sets the next execution date of job 1234 to March 15, 2024, at 8:00 AM.


After setting the NEXT_DATE using DBMS_JOB.NEXT_DATE, remember to commit the transaction to make the change effective.
Oracle does not automatically verify the logical correctness of the next execution date you provide. It is possible to set a date in the past, but Oracle will simply run the job at the next available opportunity.

The use of DBMS_JOB is considered deprecated in favor of DBMS_SCHEDULER in newer versions of Oracle. While DBMS_JOB is simpler and may suffice for basic scheduling needs, DBMS_SCHEDULER offers more advanced capabilities, including better logging, more flexible scheduling options, and the ability to create more complex schedules and dependencies between jobs.

Transition to DBMS_SCHEDULER

For new implementations or when upgrading existing applications, it’s recommended to consider using DBMS_SCHEDULER instead of DBMS_JOB due to its enhanced functionality and support in Oracle’s newer database versions. DBMS_SCHEDULER provides a more robust and flexible framework for scheduling tasks, including support for different types of schedules (e.g., recurring, calendar-based), improved error handling, and the ability to create chains of jobs with complex dependency rules.