Oracle PL/SQL’s DBMS_XMLQUERY.CLOSECONTEXT procedure is a part of the DBMS_XMLQUERY package, which is used for generating XML documents from SQL queries. This package provides a way to dynamically convert the results of SQL queries into XML format, offering a powerful tool for data interchange, web services, and application development where XML is a standard for…(Continue Reading)


Oracle’s PL/SQL DBMS_XMLQUERY.GETXML function is part of the Oracle Database’s extensive support for working with XML data. This particular function is a component of the DBMS_XMLQUERY package, which is designed to facilitate the conversion of SQL query results into XML format. By leveraging this function, developers can easily generate XML documents from Oracle database queries,…(Continue Reading)


Oracle PL/SQL’s DBMS_XMLQUERY.SETSQLQUERY function is part of the DBMS_XMLQUERY package, which is used to generate XML documents from SQL queries. This function allows you to set or modify the SQL query used by an existing DBMS_XMLQUERY context. The XML document generated can be used for various purposes, such as data interchange, web services, or to…(Continue Reading)


Oracle PL/SQL provides a powerful API for working with XML data directly from the database. One of the components of this API is the DBMS_XMLQUERY package, which enables the execution of SQL queries and returns the results as XML documents. A key procedure within this package is NEWCONTEXT, which is used to initialize a new…(Continue Reading)


The Oracle PL/SQL DBMS_XMLQUERY package is a powerful tool for converting the results of SQL queries into XML format. This package is part of Oracle’s extensive support for XML, enabling seamless integration of SQL and XML in database applications. The ability to generate XML from SQL queries allows developers to easily share data across different…(Continue Reading)